Monday, March 16, 2009

Almost 8 weeks!

My little girl is almost 8 weeks old and smiling at me! I can't believe it! I also can't believe that I have survived this far. She's been really colicky and teething, ( TEETHING at 7 weeks! I couldn't believe it when I saw that first tooth!) and between the exhaustion, new parent stress and a few well deserved nervous breakdowns, I feel like I've aged 5 years in the last (almost) 2 months. My house is a mess, I'm living in my bathrobe in the bedroom surrounded by banana peels, pop tart and granola bar wrappers like a refuge. I'm lucky if I get a shower or an actual meal before Jake gets home from work and the only way that I can pee without her breaking into tears is if I bring her carseat into the bathroom so that she can see me the entire time. It's been a long few weeks, but it's all totally worth it when I get to see that big smile.

Her carseat carrier is my new best friend, I know it sounds terrible but sometimes she spends the night in that thing because it's the only way either one of us gets any sleep. If I didn't have that carseat and a hot water bottle I don't know what I'd do.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sara I am so understanding you right now! I have wanted to call you, last night I broke out into tears twice. I am so exhausted and Kaitlyn is also a colic baby! It's funny how we are going through the exact same thing at the exact time. I think of you alot and hopefully when we have a minute we can chat on the phone.
don't feel bad about leaving her in her carseat. We can't be good mommies if we are exhausted.
I bring my Kaity bug to bed with me and have been since day one, though she is now transitioning to the crib and slept for six hours two nights in a row! Hang in there